How is that Hawaiian life treatin ya? Looks like so much fun! I can't believe how much Hunt has grown. I haven't even been gone that long! It's been yet another great week as a missionary here in NYC!
Just to start of with some random things...
Today we went to CHINA TOWN and that was really fun! We ate at this little restaurant place that tourists members told us they loved and it was delicious. We got sweet and sour squid and some other things and we all shared. And then I had a really blonde moment. So our district leader put in 25 dollars so I was like wait I was suppose to put in the other 5. So I took a 5 dollar bill out of my wallet, picked up the one he put down and handed it back to him and then put my 5 dollar bill in the pile of money. I didn't realize that I could have just handed him my $5 bill until another elder said "why did you do that?" And then my comp started laughing...and then I got it. Now we can't stop laughing at how blonde I am sometimes. Oops haha
So as you know, we had lunch with the Knolls! That was so much fun! They are the best! And they gave me Miguel's Jr. burritos!! Best day! It was so fun seeing them. It was a little weird because it was like I was home. I felt like I was breaking the rules or something even though I got permission from the mission president. Oh well, I guess as a missionary, that's a good thing! Haha
People always assume I speak Spanish and they ask me what country I'm from... Awkward. I'm white.. This Russian lady asked if I'm Armenian though. And then an Armenian lady asked me if I'm Russian. Whateves
So yesterday we had dinner at the stake presidents house (but he wasn't there) because his family is in our ward and it was really fun. So they have 5 kids. 4 boys and the youngest is a girl and one of the boys is on a mission in Lima Peru North. We started playing "what are the odds" while having dessert and I ended up having to switch out my spoon and eat my ice cream with chopsticks. Good times. They are a fun family.
I got that cute poster card from HB girlscamp! Thanks everyone! :)
Alright so everything else this week went pretty well! :)
We had a Book of Mormon event last Friday in Columbus circle. There will be a video posted about it soon too. The same guy that made the family tree one is putting together a video from that event. We got to talk to a lot of people and correct their false ideas about Mormons so that was good. I was able to talk to a Guy from Japan and teach him a bit about the Book of Mormon. He already moved back to japan though but he was so excited that we gave him a Book of Mormon for free. He said he knows missionaries In japan and I guess he lives right by the
church so he said he is going to go on Sunday because he really wants to learn more. I want to follow him around and lots of other people to see how their life changes and see the impact we possibly made on their lives but for now planting the seed is enough :)
Sasha went to girlscamp! We didn't even find out until Thursday. But she went and loved it!! And she is back on tract for wanting to get baptized :)
Ron is still doing so good! He only smoked one cigarette this past week rather than 3 a day!! I can't wait until he gets baptized. He is so awesome. He asked for more pamphlets to read too so that he can fill out all the questions in back and do the additional studies for them. He really has learned so much it's incredible. However he still hasn't really came to church yet so we are going to have a lesson about the sacrament again. Funny story about Ron this week though. Okay so he was supposed to come to church but again he had to take his mother in law to her church. And so he showed up at 3:35 ish and pulled us out of relief society again (awkward we feel so bad) and told us that he asked the pastor if he could have his own time to read his own 'book of the Mormons' [that's what he calls it] and then he gave us 5 bouquets of flowers!!! Like what the heck?? Haha. Then he left and went back home. As soon as he left we started laughing so hard in shock and confusion. Then at 4:30 he called us and said something along the lines of "I hope you sisters like the flowers. I just wanted to give them to you
guys so you can forgive me for not being at church and so you will still pray for me to be strong and keep the word of wisdom. I'm going to call you tomorrow because I watched the film again that you gave me and filled out the other restoration pamphlets. I think I did good and I want to talk about them. Also I want to meet more of the same faith because all the people you introduced me to are very nice people and it makes me happy so I know it's from God." Oh Ronald!
This past week my bishop had us over for dinner and we were talking about the work and he got all teary and told us that we are the best missionaries he has seen and that he has seen some great missionaries. So that was cool to know that we are doing something good and something right! We are so blessed to be here.
So last week during weekly planning we knew we needed to get some new investigators and so we decided to plan to teach a new investigator about the Book of Mormon on Friday the 22nd. Then after forgetting all about that goal (oops our bad for forgetting) we met a lady while tracting on Sunday named Rachel and We invited her to meet with us on Friday the 22nd to talk about the Book of Mormon. While putting it into the area book calendar we were reminded of our plans from weekly planning just a few days before and it was just another testimony that
God is mindful of our prayers and plans and when we put forth the effort then anything is possible. I can't wait to teach Rachel more on Friday.
We had zone conference yesterday and it was the best thing ever. The spirit was so strong the whole time and it was really fun and just awesome. It was really long but it went soo fast. I love President and Sister Morgan. They gave us Scarsdale New York bagels which are delicious and you know how I love bagels. So that was great. And they also gave each companionship a loaf of homemade banana bread. So delicious. But anyway, Afterwards I went to thank President for all he does for us and for the conference and he gave me a big hug and said he loved me and said some nice things and then he told me he really liked the cardigan I we as wearing haha I love him, he is awesome!
So at zone conference one thing we were challenged to do is to start over and read the Book of Mormon together as a mission in 120 days. We are starting on August 25 th (Monday). So I decided that i think it would be cool if you all joined in too. So I want to invite all of you to read the Book of Mormon from start to finish in 120 days. That
means we should finish on Christmas Eve. You could read individually and then read together on the last day or something if you want. Then we can talk about your experience on Christmas Day when I skype you! But I think it would be super cool if you took the challenge with me. All of you. mom, dad, Riss, David, Shay, Sam, Liv, Hunt. You can Do it :) it'll be awesome :) and anyone else who reads this letter can do it too, then tell me about it :)
I know the gospel of Jesus Christ is true. I know the Book of Mormon is true and that it really does contain the fullness of the gospel. I know God has a plan for each of His children and that He loves us and knows each of us individually. I'm so excited to continue teaching the wonderful people of New York.
***Goodbye to Andrea!!! Good luck in Peru! You will do great things! I'm excited to hear about your adventures! See you in a year and a half!!
I love you all so much! Have a good week!
Sister Tanner <3
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The knolls came to town! |
And took us to lunch! |
And brought me a California favorite! |
Oh Ronald! |
Ice Cream with chop sticks while playing "what are the odds" at the Stake Presidents house |
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